
Data Subject Access Request Form 

The rights which have been granted to Data Subjects have been determined under the applicable law (the  “Law“). Pursuant to the Law, you may submit your claims regarding your rights in written or by other means  specified by the Personal Data Protection Board which the Law is determined.

In this context; you are required to convey any claims with respect to your rights referred to in the Law, by filling  in this form, through one of the following methods, along with the information and documents relevant to the  request, through the following channels:




In Person


Zorlu Center, Levazım Mahallesi,  Koru Sokak No:2 Terasevler D:111  Beşiktaş/İSTANBUL

You can apply in person submitting any  documents certifying/confirming your  identity.

Through Notary Public

We request you to include any  

documents certifying/confirming your  identity and to put a phrase like 

“Information Request Within the  

Context of Law on the Protection of  Personal Data” on the envelope.

Via Registered Letter

We request you to include any  

documents certifying/confirming your  identity and to put a phrase like  

“Information Request Within the  

Context of Law on the Protection of  Personal Data” on the envelope.

Via an e-mail message  

signed with Secure  

Electronic Signature or  

Mobile Signature

The applicant is required to sign the e mail message via a Secure Electronic  Signature or Mobile Signature and to  define subject of the e-mail message as  “Information Request Within the Context  of Law on the Protection of Personal  Data”.

Through your personal e

mail address which have  

been notified to us in  


The applicant is required to send the e mail message through an e-mail  address which has been notified to us in  advance and to define subject of the e mail message as “Information Request  Within the Context of Law on the  Protection of Personal Data”.

This form has been prepared in order to guide you to submit a clear and understandable request. Other  applications/claims bearing the above mentioned conditions shall be considered. In contrast; applications/claims  not bearing the above mentioned conditions, or applications where documents confirming the identity are  deficient are not processed until these deficiencies are eliminated in order to ensure data security. In this context,  the Company reserves the right to request any kind of confirmatory information and documents in order to reveal  the identification of the applicant, or to request disclosure in cases where the request is not clear.  

Depending on the nature of your request, we shall finalize it free of charge, as soon as possible, and within 30  (thirty) days at the latest. In case an additional cost arises while finalizing your request, you may be charged for  the fees in the tariff pre-determined by the Personal Data Protection Board which the Law is determined.. Your  requests shall be responded in written, by sending a mail to your correspondence address specified below or  by electronic mail which shall be conveyed to your e-mail address or security e-mail address specified below.  Therefore, please make sure that the personal data given below is accurate and that you are authorized to share  it.

1. Contact Information of the Applicant

Please fill in your contact information to complete your request.

Name-Surname of the Data Subject:


Personal ID No/Passport No of the Data Subject:


Data Subject’s Notification Address:


Mailing Address/RMail of the Data Subject:


If applicable; E-mail address, Telephone or Fax  No of the Data Subject (Optional):


Your Relationship with the Company:

☐ Client  

 ☐ Business Partner  

 ☐ Visitor 

 ☐ Other (Please specify)

Product Subject to the Request


2. Details of the Request

Please indicate your request under the Law.


Subject of the Request Your Choice


Please kindly specify whether your company has processed my  personal data.


Please kindly specify any detailed information in case your  company has processed my personal data.


Please kindly specify the purpose of processing my personal data  and whether my personal datahave been used properly in  accordance with the purpose.


Please kindly specify the domestic/international third parties (if  any) to whom my personal data have been transferred.


I believe that my personal data is incompletely/inaccurately  processed. Please kindly correct my Personal Data accordingly.


Please specify your correction  request:…...


Although my personal data have been processed in accordance  with the law and other relevant provisions, I think that the reasons  for processing have disappeared, therefore I would like to have  my personal data deleted/destroyed/anonymized.


I believe that my personal data is incompletely/inaccurately  processed. Please kindly ensure that my Personal Data, which  have been transferred to the domestic/international third parties 

a) are corrected accordingly. 

b) are deleted. 

c) are anonymized.

a) ☐ 

Please specify your correction  request:……………………... b) ☐ 

c) ☐ 

Please check only one box.


I believe that the processing of my personal data by your  Company exclusively via automated systems have caused me in  a disadvantageous situation, hence I want to request an objection  on this subject.


Please specify the  disadvantageous situation caused  by  



I have suffered loss/damage as a consequence of unlawful  processing of my personal data by your Company, therefore I  want to claim a compensation.

Please specify the unlawful  processing:……………………...

I hereby declare that the information and documents submitted annexed to this application are accurate and  up to date, hence I kindly request you to evaluate my application in accordance with the Law and to submit  your answers accordingly.

Name-Surname of the Applicant:
Date of Application: